老挝教育部长呼吁增加对教育的投资,促进城市和农村人口平等入学。 Laos' Minister of Education calls for increased investment in education for equal access between urban and rural populations.
老挝教育部长Phoout Simmalavong强调,迫切需要增加教育投资,为城市和农村人口提供平等机会。 Laos' Minister of Education, Phout Simmalavong, has highlighted the urgent need for increased investment in education to provide equal access for urban and rural populations. 教育部旨在应对资源限制和高辍学率等挑战,旨在增加偏远地区的教育机会,特别是边缘化群体,包括最贫穷家庭、妇女、小族裔社区和残疾人的教育机会。 Addressing challenges like resource limitations and high dropout rates, the ministry aims to enhance educational opportunities in remote areas, particularly for marginalized groups, including the poorest families, women, smaller ethnic communities, and individuals with disabilities.