德国环境署因涉嫌欺诈而宣布8个中国碳信用项目无效。 Germany's Environment Agency invalidates 8 Chinese carbon credit projects due to suspected fraud.
德国环境局(UBA)已宣布8个项目的碳信用证书无效,因为中国有可疑的欺诈性减排报告。 Germany's Environment Agency (UBA) has invalidated carbon credit certificates from eight projects due to suspected fraudulent emission-reduction reports from China. 这些上流减排项目被石油公司用来达到欧盟的目标,正在接受UBA的全球调查,UER计划到明年逐步取消这些信贷。 These Upstream Emission Reduction (UER) projects, used by oil companies to comply with EU targets, are under global investigation by UBA, which plans to phase out such credits by next year. 人们对碳信用市场的完整性产生了关切,促使联合国工作队进行审查。 Concerns have arisen over the integrity of carbon credit markets, prompting scrutiny from a UN task force.