三分之一的自愿碳信用额达不到CCP标准,影响到8种可再生能源方法和236M非留存信用额。 1/3 of voluntary carbon credits fail CCP standard, affecting 8 renewable power methodologies and 236M unretired credits.
现有自愿碳信用额度的1/3不符合自愿碳市场廉正理事会提出的核心碳原则标准。 1/3 of existing voluntary carbon credits fail to meet criteria for Core Carbon Principle (CCP) standard introduced by Integrity Council for Voluntary Carbon Market (ICVCM). CCP旨在作为自愿碳市场的全球基准。 The CCP aims to serve as a global benchmark for the voluntary carbon market. 8种可再生能源方法,包括约236M非留存碳信用额(占市场的32%),由于额外性考虑而失败。 8 renewable power methodologies, comprising around 236M unretired carbon credits (32% of market), failed due to additionality concerns. 尽管出现了这些失败,可再生项目仍然可以成为自愿碳市场的一部分。 Despite these failures, renewable projects can still be part of the voluntary carbon market. 未能达到CCP标准可能导致今年可再生能源抵消价格下降。 The failure to meet CCP standard might lead to lower prices for renewable offsets this year.