法证科学家在雪中发现微生物帮助确定寒冷案件中的死亡时间,误差幅度为9天。 Forensic scientists discover microbes in snow aid in determining time of death in cold cases, with a margin of error of 9 days.
北达科他大学和中央兰卡西雷大学的法医科学家进行的一项研究显示,在雪中发现的微生物可大大有助于确定寒冷情况下的死亡时间。 A study by forensic scientists from the University of North Dakota and the University of Central Lancashire reveals that microbes found in snow can significantly aid in determining the time of death in cold cases. 研究人员分析了393个腐烂猪的样本, 发现了特定的细菌, 如Psychrobacter和Pseudomonas, 能够预测死亡后的时间, 误差幅度仅超过9天. Analyzing 393 samples from decomposing pigs, researchers identified specific bacteria, such as Psychrobacter and Pseudomonas, that can predict time elapsed since death with a margin of error of just over nine days. 这一方法提高了极端寒冷条件下的准确性,提供了新的法医见解。 This method enhances accuracy in extreme cold conditions, offering new forensic insights.