90岁的克利福德·奥利弗在北卡罗来纳州新伯恩发生三辆车撞车事故中死亡, 90-year-old Clifford Oliver died in a three-vehicle crash in New Bern, NC, after his car veered into oncoming traffic.
周六在北卡罗来纳州新伯尔尼发生三辆汽车撞车事故, 造成90岁的克利福德·奥利弗丧生。 A three-vehicle crash in New Bern, North Carolina, on Saturday claimed the life of 90-year-old Clifford Oliver. 他的雪佛兰 Equinox 转向迎面而来的车辆,与一辆向南行驶的福特 Super Duty 卡车相撞,然后撞上了一辆丰田汉兰达,导致其翻车。 His Chevrolet Equinox veered into oncoming traffic, colliding with a southbound Ford Super Duty truck, which then struck a Toyota Highlander, causing it to overturn. Oliver在医院被宣布死亡,而Highlander司机也住院。 Oliver was pronounced dead at the hospital, while the Highlander driver was also hospitalized. 新伯尔尼警察局正在调查这一事件并寻找任何证人。 The New Bern Police Department is investigating the incident and seeks any witnesses.