随着大西洋风暴形成条件的改善,飓风季节可能很快结束。 Hurricane season lull may soon end with improving storm formation conditions in the Atlantic.
飓风季节从8月底至10月一直很活跃,8月和9月初的风暴活动异常平静。 The hurricane season, traditionally active from late August to October, has seen an unusual lull in storm activity during August and early September. 然而,预报人员现在表示,大西洋的风暴形成条件正在改善,表明平静期可能很快结束,今后几周飓风活动可能会增加。 However, forecasters now indicate that conditions in the Atlantic are improving for storm formation, suggesting the period of calm may soon end and an increase in hurricane activity could be on the horizon in the coming weeks.