71岁的津巴布韦妇女通过免费手术克服了40年的产科瘘管病斗争。 71-year-old Zimbabwean woman overcomes 40-year obstetric fistula struggle with free surgery.
来自津巴布韦穆塔雷农村的 71 岁老人 Gogo Margaret Murekachiro 克服了与产科瘘管斗争 40 年,产科瘘是一种由难产引起的分娩伤害。 Gogo Margaret Murekachiro, a 71-year-old from rural Mutare, Zimbabwe, has overcome a 40-year struggle with obstetric fistula, a childbirth injury caused by obstructed labor. 2022年,她通过教堂学习了免费外科手术方案。 After suffering social isolation due to her condition, she learned about a free surgical program through her church in 2022. 在卫生和儿童保育部和人口基金等组织的支持下,她在Mashoko Mission医院成功接受了手术,现在过着正常生活。 Supported by the Health and Child Care ministry and organizations like UNFPA, she received successful surgery at Mashoko Mission Hospital and is now living a normal life.