特立尼达和多巴哥警察局警告父母,儿童犯罪活动可能受到忽视指控。 Trinidad and Tobago Police Service warns parents of potential neglect charges for children's criminal activities.
特立尼达和多巴哥警察局警告父母,如果其子女从事犯罪活动,他们可能会因忽视而受到指控。 The Trinidad and Tobago Police Service has warned parents they could face charges for neglect if their children engage in criminal activities. 警方专员Erla Christopher在一次记者招待会上发表此声明, 强调家长有责任引导儿童采取合法行为。 Police Commissioner Erla Christopher made this statement at a news conference, stressing parental responsibility in guiding children towards lawful behavior. 此外,她还表示,执法部门将积极追查参与犯罪的移民。 Additionally, she indicated that law enforcement will actively pursue migrants involved in crime.