印度副总统赞扬莫迪(PM Modi)和阿迪迪亚纳特(CM Adityanath)在北方邦塞尼克(Sainik)学校落成典礼期间将外汇储备从2B增加到680B。 India's Vice President praises PM Modi and CM Adityanath for increasing foreign exchange reserves from $2B to $680B during Uttar Pradesh Sainik School inauguration.
印度副总统贾格迪普·丹哈尔(Jagdeep Dhankhar)在戈拉赫普尔北方邦塞尼克学校落成典礼期间,称赞印度的经济增长,指出外汇储备从20亿美元以下猛增至6 800亿美元。 India's Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar, during the inauguration of the Uttar Pradesh Sainik School in Gorakhpur, lauded the nation's economic growth, noting foreign exchange reserves have surged from under $2 billion to $680 billion. 他赞扬莫迪总理和阿迪迪亚纳特首席部长取得这一进展,并强调民族主义。 He credited Prime Minister Modi and Chief Minister Adityanath for this progress and emphasized nationalism. Dhankhar强调了克什米尔旅游业的增长以及通过新学校培养未来国防领导人的重要性。 Dhankhar highlighted tourism growth in Kashmir and the significance of developing future leaders for national defense through the new school.