“今早”主持人艾莉森·哈蒙德 (Alison Hammond) 分享了她的肥胖经历,倡导为体型较大的乘客提供航空公司住宿。 "This Morning" presenter Alison Hammond shares her obesity experience, advocating for airline accommodation of larger passengers.
ITV 的“今早”节目主持人艾莉森·哈蒙德 (Alison Hammond) 分享了她肥胖的经历,透露她曾经重近 28 石,由于不适而不得不购买额外的飞机座位。 Alison Hammond, a presenter on ITV's "This Morning," shared her experience with obesity, revealing she once weighed nearly 28 stone and had to purchase extra airline seats due to discomfort. 她关心自己的健康,此后体重下降,现在重达17石。 Concerned for her health, she has since lost weight and now weighs 17 stone. 哈蒙德认为,航空公司应容纳较大的乘客,认为重量可能是一种残疾,并强调并非每个人都能买得起两个座位。 Hammond argued that airlines should accommodate larger passengers, suggesting that weight can be a disability and emphasizing that not everyone can afford to buy two seats.