尼日利亚教育贷款基金将学生贷款方案扩大到59个机构(第6节、第2024节)。 Nigeria's Education Loan Fund expands student loan program to 59 institutions (Sept 6, 2024).
尼日利亚教育贷款基金(NELFUND)扩大了学生贷款方案,将更多的40个机构包括在内,使总数增加到59个。 Nigeria's Education Loan Fund (NELFUND) has expanded its student loan program to include 40 more institutions, raising the total to 59. 这项举措于2024年9月6日宣布,旨在增加所有尼日利亚学生获得优质教育的机会,不论其经济状况如何。 Announced on September 6, 2024, this initiative aims to enhance access to quality education for all Nigerian students, regardless of their financial status. NELFUND的总裁强调,各机构必须高效率地提交学生数据,以便顺利发放贷款。 NELFUND's Managing Director emphasized the need for institutions to efficiently submit student data for smooth loan disbursements.