尼日利亚教育贷款基金收到350 000多份申请,支付N10B,并承诺拨款90B用于学费和津贴。 Nigerian Education Loan Fund receives over 350,000 applications, disburses N10B, and commits to allocating N90B for tuition and stipends.
尼日利亚教育贷款基金收到了35万多份申请,并发放了100亿新元的贷款。 The Nigerian Education Loan Fund (NELFUND) has received over 350,000 applications and disbursed over N10 billion in loans. 总裁Akintunde Sawyer宣布承诺再拨款900亿奈拉用于学费和津贴,强调基金包容所有尼日利亚人。 Managing Director Akintunde Sawyerr announced a commitment to allocate an additional N90 billion for tuition and stipends, emphasizing the fund's inclusivity for all Nigerians. 该倡议与博拉·蒂努布总统的议程相一致,旨在解决教育障碍,特别是针对残疾女孩和学生的教育障碍,同时通过立法监督确保问责制。 The initiative, aligned with President Bola Tinubu's agenda, aims to address educational barriers, particularly for girls and students with disabilities, while ensuring accountability through legislative oversight.