印度批准BPALM制度,为期6个月的MDR-TB治疗,目的是到2025年消灭肺结核。 India approves BPaLM regimen for 6-month MDR-TB treatment, aiming to eliminate TB by 2025.
印度联邦卫生部根据其《国家消除结核病方案》批准了BPALM针对多药耐药结核病(MDR-TB)的BPALM疗法。 India's Union Health Ministry has approved the BPaLM regimen for multi-drug resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) under its National TB Elimination Program. 这种新疗法结合了Pretomanid药物与Bedaquiline和Linezolid药物,可在六个月内治愈MDR-TB,大大快于传统的20个月疗法。 This new treatment, combining the drug Pretomanid with Bedaquiline and Linezolid, can cure MDR-TB in six months, significantly faster than the traditional 20-month regimen. 推广的目的是援助75 000名病人,并支持印度实现在2025年之前消除结核病的目标,超过全球目标。 The rollout aims to aid 75,000 patients and support India's goal to eliminate TB by 2025, ahead of global targets.