印度在东北各邦发起100天的结核病运动, India launches 100-day TB campaign in northeast states to detect, treat cases amid rising deaths.
印度在包括普杜切里在内的一些东北部州发起了一项为期100天的结核病运动,旨在迅速发现和治疗结核病病例。 India launched a 100-day tuberculosis (TB) campaign in several northeastern states, including Puducherry, aiming to detect and treat TB cases quickly. 在Mizoram,结核病死亡率从去年的108人上升到今年的147人。 In Mizoram, TB deaths rose from 108 last year to 147 this year. 该运动是印度到2025年消除结核病目标的一部分,也旨在提高认识和减少耻辱感。 The campaign, part of India's goal to eliminate TB by 2025, also aims to raise awareness and reduce stigma. 自2015年以来,由于国家消除结核病方案,印度的结核病死亡率下降了21.4%,发病率下降了17.7%。 Since 2015, TB deaths in India have dropped by 21.4%, and incidence by 17.7%, thanks to the National TB Elimination Programme. 参加国免费提供测试和治疗。 Free testing and treatment are available in participating states.