联邦政府和各州增加保健投资条例,推动新的法律和审查。 Federal government and states increase healthcare investment regulations, prompting new laws and scrutiny.
联邦政府和几个州在过去一年里增加了关于私人对保健投资的条例,促使制定了新的法律和审查。 The federal government and several states have increased regulations on private investments in healthcare over the past year, prompting new laws and scrutiny. “诊断保健”播客讨论了保健实体和投资者应如何适应这些变化。 The "Diagnosing Health Care" podcast discusses how healthcare entities and investors should adapt to these changes. Leslie Norwalk与EBG律师一道强调,必须保持透明度和遵守不断演变的条例。 Leslie Norwalk, along with EBG attorneys, emphasizes the need for transparency and compliance with evolving regulations. 该播客是利益攸关方在这片复杂地貌中浏览的资源。 The podcast serves as a resource for stakeholders navigating this complex landscape.