两名死者在挪威的移动式住宅中被发现, 死亡正在调查中. 2 deceased individuals found in mobile home in Norway, Maine, deaths under investigation.
缅因州挪威当局已在 Summer Street 的一间移动房屋中发现两名死者。 Authorities in Norway, Maine, have identified two deceased individuals found in a mobile home on Summer Street. Amanda Perkins 32岁 Richard "Rick" Emery 39岁 9月3日被发现 Amanda Perkins, 32, and Richard "Rick" Emery, 39, were discovered on September 3. 缅因州法医办公室正在缅因州警察重大犯罪部门的协助下调查他们的死因和方式。 The cause and manner of their deaths are under investigation by the Maine medical examiner's office, with assistance from the Maine State Police Major Crimes Unit. 随着调查的继续,进一步的细节尚未确定。 Further details are pending as the investigation continues.