克赖斯特彻奇警方正在调查一名可疑男子在帕帕努伊和卡斯布鲁克地区袭击了女学生. Christchurch police investigate suspicious man targeting schoolgirls in Papanui and Casebrook areas.
克赖斯特彻奇警方正在调查关于一名男子在过去一个月里对帕帕努伊和凯斯布鲁克地区的女学生和年轻人采取可疑行动的报告。 Christchurch police are investigating reports of a man acting suspiciously toward schoolgirls and young people in the Papanui and Casebrook areas over the past month. 他们正在审查闭路电视录像,鼓励居民报告任何可疑行为。 They are reviewing CCTV footage and encourage residents to report any suspicious behavior. 若有即时危险,请联系111处的紧急服务。 For immediate danger, contact emergency services at 111. 拥有信息的人可通过非紧急事件号码105或其网站(参考文件号240813/5295)联系警方。 Those with information can reach the police via the non-emergency number 105 or their website, referencing file number 240813/5295.