42岁的Ryan Diedrich据称企图将Kurtis Geisler淹死在Milford湖,导致Diedrich因二级谋杀未遂罪被捕。 42-year-old Ryan Diedrich allegedly attempted to drown Kurtis Geisler at Milford Lake, leading to Diedrich's arrest on second-degree attempted murder charges.
8月17日,堪萨斯州Geary县Milford湖发生争吵,据称有人企图溺水。 On August 17, an altercation at Milford Lake in Geary County, Kansas, resulted in an alleged attempted drowning. 据目击者报告,42岁的Ryan Diedrich试图淹死Curtis Geisler,他受了轻伤。 Witnesses reported that Ryan Diedrich, 42, attempted to drown Kurtis Geisler, who sustained minor injuries. Diedrich于9月4日被捕, Diedrich was arrested on September 4 and faces charges of second-degree attempted murder and criminal threat. 他目前被关押在Geary县拘留中心,没有保释金,等待第一次出庭。 He is currently held without bond at the Geary County Detention Center, awaiting his first court appearance.