一名在堪萨斯州米尔福德州立公园淹死的人,在CPR努力之后被宣布死亡。 A person drowned at Milford State Park, Kansas, and was pronounced dead after CPR efforts.
星期六在堪萨斯州Geary县的Milford州立公园发生溺水事件。 A drowning incident occurred at Milford State Park in Geary County, Kansas, on Saturday. 一名旁观者在水下发现一个人超过 10 分钟,并启动了心肺复苏术。 A person was found underwater for over 10 minutes by bystanders who initiated CPR. 紧急医疗服务机构在个人抵达时宣布其死亡。 Emergency Medical Services pronounced the individual deceased upon arrival. Geary县警察局和堪萨斯野生动物和公园部正在调查,在通知近亲之前,受害人的身份被扣留。 The Geary County Sheriff's Office and the Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks are investigating, and the victim's identity is being withheld until next of kin are notified.