38岁的Amy Gibney因暴力殴打男友而被判处20个月徒刑,使他失去知觉和流血。 38-year-old Amy Gibney sentenced to 20 months for violently assaulting boyfriend, leaving him unconscious and bloodied.
Amy Gibney, 38岁, 2024年6月25日在利物浦Lidl商店外暴力攻击她的男朋友Lee Roach, 被判处20个月监禁。 Amy Gibney, 38, was sentenced to 20 months in prison for violently attacking her boyfriend, Lee Roach, outside a Lidl store in Liverpool on June 25, 2024. 袭击在视频中捕捉,使Roach失去知觉,流血身亡。 The assault, captured on video, left Roach unconscious and bloodied. Gibney有家庭暴力和药物滥用问题的历史,被认为是重犯的高风险。 Gibney, with a history of domestic violence and substance abuse issues, was deemed a high risk of reoffending. 路易丝·布兰登法官说,她对自己和其他人构成威胁,表明不可能康复。 Judge Louise Brandon stated she poses a danger to herself and others, indicating rehabilitation is unlikely.