27岁的Martin Gooney承认在家中殴打一名妇女是有罪的,并因殴打和非法侵入被判处一个月监禁。 27-year-old Martin Gooney pleaded guilty to biting a woman in her home and was sentenced to one month in prison for assault and trespass.
马丁·古尼,27岁,因在2022年12月22日晚上在克莱尔郡怀特盖特的家中袭击了一名已婚妇女,被判处1个月的监禁. Martin Gooney, 27, has been sentenced to one month in prison for biting a married woman during a late-night assault at her home in Whitegate, Co. Clare, on December 22, 2022. 他对两项攻击罪和一项侵入罪认罪。 He pleaded guilty to two counts of assault and one count of trespass. 法官Alec Gabbett审议了事件的严重性和该妇女受害人的影响陈述,驳回了暂缓执行判决的请求。 The judge, Alec Gabbett, considered the severity of the incident and the woman's victim impact statement, rejecting a request to suspend the sentence. Gooney仍在保释中等待上诉。 Gooney remains on bail pending an appeal.