Lok Sabha议长Om Birla会见了阿联酋议会代表团,讨论加强双边关系的问题。 Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla met with a UAE Parliamentary Delegation to discuss enhancing bilateral relations.
Lok Sabha议长Om Birla会见了阿里·拉希德·努艾米博士率领的阿联酋议会代表团,讨论加强双边关系的问题。 Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla met with a UAE Parliamentary Delegation, led by Dr. Ali Rashid Al Nuaimi, to discuss enhancing bilateral relations. 他强调了印度独立以来的历史联系和人与人之间的接触增加的情况。 He highlighted the historical ties and increased people-to-people contact since India's independence. Birla主张进行更多的议会交流,以促进技术和投资方面的合作,这促进了印度的经济增长。 Birla advocated for more parliamentary exchanges to foster cooperation in technology and investment, which have contributed to India's economic growth. 他赞扬印度社区在阿联酋所作的贡献,并注意到诸如斯瓦米·纳拉扬寺等文化倡议。 He praised the contributions of the Indian community in the UAE and noted cultural initiatives like the Swami Narayan Temple.