由于医疗服务不足,这对夫妇背着死去的儿子走了 15 公里,凸显了马哈拉施特拉邦 Gadchiroli 严重的医疗保健缺陷和缺乏救护车服务。 15 km carrying of deceased sons by couple due to insufficient medical care highlights severe healthcare shortcomings and lack of ambulance services in Gadchiroli, Maharashtra.
在马哈拉施特拉邦的 Gadchiroli,一对夫妇抱着他们已故的儿子(都不到 10 岁)走了 15 公里,据报道他们因发烧而没有得到足够的医疗护理。 In Gadchiroli, Maharashtra, a couple carried their deceased sons, both under 10, for 15 km after they reportedly received insufficient medical care for a fever. 这一悲惨事件突出表明了地方保健方面的严重缺陷,包括缺乏救护车服务。 This tragic event underscores severe shortcomings in local healthcare, including a lack of ambulance services. 以前的事件,如孕妇因类似延误而生产死胎,加剧了对保健系统的批评,引起社会媒体的愤怒。 Previous incidents, such as a pregnant woman delivering a stillborn due to similar delays, have intensified criticism of the healthcare system and sparked outrage on social media.