爱尔兰专家David McMahon主张爱尔兰增加对项目厅在乌克兰地雷密集地区排雷工作的支持。 Irish expert David McMahon advocates increased Irish support for UNOPS mine clearance in heavily mined Ukraine.
项目厅地雷行动股股长、爱尔兰专家David McMahon主张爱尔兰增加对乌克兰排雷工作的支持,乌克兰自2014年以来埋设了大量地雷。 Irish expert David McMahon, head of the UNOPS mine action unit, advocates for increased Irish support for mine clearance efforts in Ukraine, which has been heavily mined since 2014. 由于三分之一以上的领土可能受到污染,估计排雷费用为346亿美元。 With over a third of its territory potentially contaminated, the estimated cost for clearance is $34.6 billion. 联合国援助署正在训练乌克兰国家警察的炸弹小组, 并计划训练480名扫雷人员. UNOPS is training the Ukrainian national police's bomb squad and plans to train 480 deminers. McMahon建议爱尔兰可以帮助培训、简易爆炸装置机器人采购和受害人假肢。 McMahon suggests Ireland could help with training, IED robot procurement, and prosthetics for victims.