印度网络机构发现国防部以官员证书和文件为对象的钓鱼骗局。 Indian cyber agencies discover MoD phishing scam targeting officials' credentials and documents.
印度网络安全机构发现了仿照国防部网站的一个钓鱼骗局,目的是窃取官员的登录证书和敏感文件。 Indian cyber-security agencies have uncovered a phishing scam imitating the Ministry of Defence (MoD) website, aimed at stealing login credentials and sensitive documents from officials. 骗局使用两个欺骗性链接, 导致一个假电子邮件 有关网络攻击。 The scam employs two deceptive links, leading to a fake email about a cyber attack. 国家信息学中心(NIC)建议政府工作人员保持警惕,删除可疑电子邮件,如果怀疑有钓鱼企图,则采取安全防范措施。 The National Informatics Centre (NIC) advises government staff to be vigilant, delete suspicious emails, and take security precautions if they suspect phishing attempts.