在瓦威克郡Atherstone的 谷仓火灾中发现的人类遗骸 警方迅速调查 Human remains found in a barn fire in Atherstone, Warwickshire, prompt police investigation.
11月19日Warwickshire Atherstone的谷仓火灾导致发现遗骸。 A barn fire in Atherstone, Warwickshire, on November 19, led to the discovery of human remains. 5个消防引擎和应急服务单位对现场作出了反应。 Five fire engines and emergency services responded to the scene. 尽管火灾不被视为可疑,但遗骸的身份和火灾原因仍在调查之中。 Though the fire is not considered suspicious, the identity of the remains and the cause of the fire are still under investigation. Warwickshire警察正在寻求公共协助,以便进行调查。 Warwickshire Police are seeking public assistance for their inquiry.