得克萨斯州教育委员会就基于基督教的K-5课程提案举行公开听证会。 Texas State Board of Education holds public hearings on Christian-based K-5 curriculum proposal.
德克萨斯州教育委员会本月将举行公开听证会,讨论拟议的K-5课程,内容包括基督教参考资料。 The Texas State Board of Education will hold public hearings this month on a proposed K-5 curriculum featuring Christian-based references. 5月,得克萨斯州教育署宣布,该计划向采用该计划的地区提供每名学生40美元。 Unveiled by the Texas Education Agency in May, the plan offers $40 per student to districts that adopt it. 批评者,包括浸礼会联合委员会的Amanda Tyler,认为宗教教学应该留给家庭和宗教组织。 Critics, including Amanda Tyler of the Baptist Joint Committee, argue that religious teaching should be left to families and religious organizations. 董事会计划在11月对课程进行投票。 The board plans to vote on the curriculum in November.