18岁的Jan Daniel Lopez在加州塔斯汀因致命刺伤和肇事逃逸被捕。 18-year-old Jan Daniel Lopez arrested for fatal stabbing and hit-and-run in Tustin, CA.
来自圣安娜的18岁的Jan Daniel Lopez在加利福尼亚州Tustin发生致命刺伤和肇事逃逸事件后被捕。 Eighteen-year-old Jan Daniel Lopez from Santa Ana has been arrested following a fatal stabbing and hit-and-run incident in Tustin, California. 警察发现一名男子因刺伤死亡,一名妇女在Arbor牧场公寓被一辆汽车击中后受伤。 Police found a man deceased from stab wounds and a woman injured after being struck by a vehicle at Arbor Ranch Apartments. 该妇女处于稳定状态。 The woman is in stable condition. 刺杀动机不明,调查仍在进行中。 The motive for the stabbing is unknown, and the investigation is ongoing. 当局鼓励证人在714-573-3200与塔斯汀警察局联系。 Authorities encourage witnesses to contact Tustin Police at 714-573-3200.