21岁的哈布利男子在劳动节周末在新斯科舍省英格兰波特103号公路附近死于车祸. 21-year-old Hubley man dies in car crash on Labor Day weekend near Highway 103 in Ingramport, Nova Scotia.
一名来自新斯科舍州哈伯利的21岁男子在劳动节周末死于一场车祸,当时他的福特野马在Ingramport103号公路附近的服务车道尽头撞上了巨石。 A 21-year-old man from Hubley, Nova Scotia, died in a car accident on Labor Day weekend when his Ford Mustang crashed into boulders at the end of a service lane near Highway 103 in Ingramport. 事件发生在上午8时10分左右,他是车辆的唯一乘客,在现场宣布死亡。 The incident occurred around 8:10 a.m., and he was the only occupant of the vehicle, pronounced dead at the scene. 包括皇家骑警在内的地方当局正在调查该事故,这可能与该地区正在进行的建筑工程有关。 Local authorities, including the RCMP, are investigating the accident, which may be linked to ongoing construction work in the area.