79岁的哥伦比亚房地产大亨和2022年的总统选举第二选手鲁道夫·埃尔南德斯死于结肠癌。 79-year-old Colombian real estate magnate and 2022 presidential election runner-up Rodolfo Hernández died from colon cancer.
哥伦比亚房地产大亨,反腐败倡导者罗多尔福·赫尔南德斯因结肠癌去世, Rodolfo Hernández, a Colombian real estate magnate and anti-corruption advocate, died at 79 from colon cancer. 在2022年的总统选举中,他赢得了28%的选票,并赢得了与Gustavo Petro的决胜。 He gained prominence during the 2022 presidential election, securing 28% of the votes and reaching a runoff against Gustavo Petro, who won. Hernández的低成本运动前Bucaramanga市长呼吁选民寻求传统政治的替代办法。 A former mayor of Bucaramanga, Hernández's low-cost campaign appealed to voters seeking alternatives to traditional politics. 他在选举后面临腐败调查,影响其信誉和健康。 He faced corruption investigations post-election, affecting his credibility and health.