25 岁的阿尔伯特·蒂特拉 (Albert Titla) 在新墨西哥州圣达菲附近的 I-25 公路上因迎面相撞而死亡,当时他在北向车道上向南行驶。 25-year-old Albert Titla died in a head-on collision on I-25 near Santa Fe, NM, driving south in the northbound lane.
25岁的Albert Titla 星期一上旬在新墨西哥州Santa Fe附近 25号州际公路正面碰撞中死亡。 Albert Titla, 25, died in a head-on collision on Interstate 25 near Santa Fe, New Mexico, early Monday. 他在北行道向南行驶时,他的尼桑撞上了另一辆车。 He was driving south in the northbound lane when his Nissan crashed into another vehicle. 另一辆车的39岁的司机住院治疗,尽管他的状况不明。 The 39-year-old driver of the other car was hospitalized, though his condition is unknown. 新墨西哥州警察正在调查这一事件,包括可能涉及酒精的问题。 New Mexico State Police are investigating the incident, including the potential involvement of alcohol.