威斯康星州为29个方案获得12.8M AmeriCorps赠款,在200个服务地点安置了875名成员。 Wisconsin receives $12.8M AmeriCorps grant for 29 programs, placing 875 members at 200 service sites.
威斯康星州将获得1 280万美元的AmeriCorps赠款资金,以支持全国29个方案和规划赠款。 Wisconsin will receive $12.8 million in AmeriCorps grant funding to support 29 programs and planning grants statewide. 该计划将在 875 多个服务地点安置超过 200 名 AmeriCorps 成员,解决成就差距、公共卫生、阿片类药物滥用、经济机会和环境可持续性等问题。 This initiative will place over 875 AmeriCorps members at more than 200 service sites, addressing issues such as the achievement gap, public health, opioid abuse, economic opportunity, and environmental sustainability. 值得一提的方案包括威斯康星学院,帮助低收入学生攻读大学。 Notable programs include College Possible Wisconsin, which aids low-income students in pursuing college.