牛奶农场Waka Dairies开发了使用牛废物的无味堆肥, 以减少合成肥料的使用. NZ dairy farm Waka Dairies develops odorless composting shelter using cow waste to reduce synthetic fertilizer use.
新西兰丹尼维尔克的奶牛农场Waka Dairies开发了一个堆肥收容所,利用牛废物为其650头奶牛创造一个可持续、无味的环境。 Waka Dairies, a dairy farm in Dannevirke, New Zealand, has developed a composting shelter that utilizes cow waste to create a sustainable, odorless environment for its 650 cows. 该系统减少对合成化肥的依赖,尽量减少硝酸盐沥滤,提高土壤健康。 The system reduces reliance on synthetic fertilizers and minimizes nitrate leaching, enhancing soil health. 此外,Waka奶制品计划到2050年通过太阳能和沼气等可再生能源实现能源自给自足,强调其对可持续性的承诺。 Additionally, Waka Dairies aims to achieve energy self-sufficiency by 2050 through renewable sources like solar and biogas, emphasizing its commitment to sustainability.