密苏里州通过增加人员与合作,将虐待儿童和忽视儿童案件的积压减少80%以上。 Missouri reduces child abuse and neglect cases backlog by over 80% with increased staffing and collaboration.
自1月以来,密苏里州已经将其积压的未解决的虐待和忽视儿童案件减少了80%以上,目标是到年底消除这类案件。 Missouri has reduced its backlog of unresolved child abuse and neglect cases by over 80% since January, with a goal to eliminate it by year-end. 未结案件数量从去年9月的每月10 000多件下降到7月的1 869件。 The number of open cases fell from over 10,000 monthly last September to 1,869 in July. 之所以取得这一进展,是因为工作人员配备增加以及与咨询公司变革和创新机构的合作增加,特别是解决了圣路易斯的危机。 同一期间,圣路易斯的病例从6 000例降至74例。 This progress is attributed to increased staffing and collaboration with the consulting firm Change & Innovation Agency, particularly addressing the crisis in St. Louis, which saw cases drop from over 6,000 to 74 in the same period.