在科罗拉多斯普林斯搜寻两年后 军方家人和失踪的狗熊团圆 Military family reunites with missing dog, Bear, after two-year search in Colorado Springs.
分开两年后,一个军人家庭与他们的狗熊团聚,这只狗在宠物保姆的照顾下在科罗拉多斯普林斯失踪。 After two years apart, a military family has reunited with their dog, Bear, who went missing in Colorado Springs while under a pet sitter’s care. 七月,志愿者发现熊 并设置食物和陷阱来营救他。 In July, volunteers spotted Bear and set up food and traps to rescue him. 虽然他体重不足,但小熊身体健康 Though he was underweight, Bear is otherwise healthy. 他的家人现在在纽约,正在准备他9月1日抵达,由社区成员资助跨国旅行。 The family, now in New York, is preparing for his arrival on September 1st, with the cross-country trip funded by community members.