获救的狗狗 Ghost 在沙漠中迷路了九个月,在五月份最初被发现后终于找到了家。 Rescued dog Ghost, lost in the desert for nine months, finally finds home after initial discovery in May.
一只名叫幽灵的狗在沙漠中迷路了九个月,终于获救并有了一个家。 A dog, named Ghost, who spent nine months lost in the desert, has finally been rescued and given a home. 去年五月,幽灵最初被发现在东区徘徊,直到几周前才被成功救出。 Ghost was initially found wandering in the Eastside back in May of last year, and it wasn't until a few weeks ago that he was successfully rescued. 负责救援的组织联合创始人德西雷·特鲁比 (Desirae Trubee) 表示,看到车内幽灵的笑脸,她感到很高兴,在经历了漫长的磨难后,他明显露出了如释重负的迹象。 Desirae Trubee, the co-founder of the organization responsible for the rescue, expressed her joy at the sight of Ghost's smiling face in her car, showing clear signs of relief after his long ordeal.