巴尔的摩乌鸦队的艾萨克(腿筋)和阿里(颈部)可能会错过对阵堪萨斯城酋长队的赛季揭幕战。 Baltimore Ravens' Isaac (hamstring) and Ali (neck) may miss season opener against Kansas City Chiefs.
巴尔的摩乌鸦队在对阵堪萨斯城酋长队的赛季揭幕战中几乎全力以赴。 The Baltimore Ravens are nearly at full strength for their season opener against the Kansas City Chiefs. 处理腿筋伤势的后卫 Adisa Isaac 没有训练,而跑卫 Rasheen Ali 由于颈部问题参加了有限的比赛。 Linebacker Adisa Isaac, dealing with a hamstring injury, did not practice, while running back Rasheen Ali participated limitedly due to a neck issue. 两名球员都进入了 53 人名单,但可能会在赛前被置于伤病预备队。 Both players made the 53-man roster but could be placed on injured reserve before the game.