巴尔的摩乌鸦队从伤病预备队中激活了TE马克·安德鲁斯,参加亚足联冠军对阵堪萨斯酋长队的比赛。 Baltimore Ravens activate TE Mark Andrews from injured reserve for AFC championship vs KC Chiefs.
巴尔的摩乌鸦队已经从伤病预备队中激活了近端锋马克·安德鲁斯,教练约翰·哈博表示,他希望这位球星能够参加即将到来的亚足联冠军对阵堪萨斯城酋长队的比赛。 The Baltimore Ravens have activated tight end Mark Andrews from injured reserve, and coach John Harbaugh said he expects the star to play in the upcoming AFC championship game against the Kansas City Chiefs. 安德鲁斯自 11 月 16 日的一场比赛中脚踝受伤以来一直缺阵。 Andrews had been sidelined since suffering an ankle injury in a game on November 16. 最初人们担心他会缺席本赛季,但哈博当时表示他可能会在某个时候回归。 He was initially feared lost for the season, but Harbaugh suggested then that he might be able to come back at some point. 乌鸦队已经延长了赛季时间,使这一目标成为现实。 The Ravens have extended their season long enough to make that realistic.