苹果将继续在iPhone 16上支持WeChat, Apple will continue supporting WeChat on iPhone 16, enhancing collaboration for mutual benefits.
与最近传闻相反, 苹果公司预计将在即将到来的iPhone 16上继续支持WeChat。 Apple is expected to continue supporting WeChat on the upcoming iPhone 16, contrary to recent rumors. 消息来源指出,两家公司将加强合作,因为WeChat对中国用户至关重要,终止支持会损害苹果公司在中国的销售。 Sources indicate that the two companies will enhance their collaboration, as WeChat is crucial for Chinese users and discontinuing support could harm Apple's sales in China. 随着智能手机技术的发展,预计两家公司将就互利问题进行谈判,从而深化服务一体化。 Both companies are anticipated to negotiate for mutual benefits, leading to deeper integration of their services as smartphone technology evolves.