联合王国保守党领导人候选人詹姆斯·克莱弗利旨在恢复卢旺达驱逐计划,以阻止非法移民。 UK Tory leadership candidate James Cleverly aims to revive the Rwanda deportation plan to deter illegal migration.
James Cleverly,英国保守党领导人候选人,旨在恢复卢旺达驱逐计划,以遏制非法移民,声称该计划将恢复信心,减少寻求庇护者人数。 James Cleverly, a candidate for UK Tory leadership, aims to revive the Rwanda deportation plan to deter illegal migration, claiming it will restore confidence and reduce asylum seeker numbers. 该计划原先由Rishi Sunak发起,被劳工局抛弃,目的是将寻求庇护者送往卢旺达。 The scheme, previously initiated by Rishi Sunak and abandoned by Labour, was intended to send asylum seekers to Rwanda. Cleverly 相信卢旺达安全的证据将抵消针对该政策的法律挑战,他致力于增加英国的国防开支和亲商政策。 Cleverly believes evidence of safety in Rwanda would counter legal challenges against the policy, and he is committed to enhancing UK defense spending and pro-business policies.