泰勒·格拉斯诺期待道奇队为即将到来的季后赛做出重大贡献。 Tyler Glasnow expects the Dodgers to significantly contribute in the upcoming postseason.
泰勒·格拉斯诺认为道奇队将在即将到来的季后赛中发挥重要作用. Tyler Glasnow believes the Dodgers will play a significant role in the upcoming postseason. 他的信心反映了对小组在准备季后赛时的表现的强烈期望。 His confidence reflects strong expectations for the team's performance as they prepare for the playoffs. 格拉斯诺的见解表明道奇队在赛季后的竞争中有积极的前景. Glasnow's insights suggest a positive outlook for the Dodgers' chances in the competitive postseason landscape.