纽约议员Angelo Santabaraba介绍了《校车安全保护法》,以加重对路过停放校车的处罚。 New York Assemblyman Angelo Santabarbara introduces the School Bus Safety Protection Act to increase penalties for passing stopped school buses.
纽约议员Angelo Santabarbara提出了《校车安全保护法》,以加强对非法通过校车的驾车者的处罚。 New York Assemblyman Angelo Santabarbara has introduced the School Bus Safety Protection Act to enhance penalties for motorists who illegally pass stopped school buses. 该提案旨在将每次犯罪的罚款从400美元增加到1 000美元,并可能导致吊销执照,在监狱服刑长达6个月,以及强制性社区服务。 The proposal aims to increase fines from $400 to $1,000 per offense and could lead to license suspension, up to six months in jail, and mandatory community service. 目前,纽约每天有50 000多部车辆违反这一法律,因此需要更严格的执法措施。 Currently, over 50,000 vehicles violate this law daily in New York, prompting the need for stricter enforcement measures.