肯塔基州众议院小组推进众议院第 461 号法案,在校车上安装摄像头,记录司机无视停车臂的情况。 Kentucky House panel advances House Bill 461 to install cameras on school buses to record drivers ignoring stop arms.
肯塔基州众议院的一个小组提出了一项名为众议院法案 461 的法案,该法案可能会在校车上安装更多摄像头,以记录在公交车站上下车时忽视停车臂的司机。 A Kentucky House panel has advanced a bill, House Bill 461, which could lead to more cameras on school buses to record drivers who ignore stop arms when kids are being loaded and unloaded at bus stops. 此前,肯塔基州无视停车标志的司机数量有所增加,一天内就有 475 起非法通行记录。 This follows the increase in drivers ignoring stop arms in Kentucky, with 475 illegal passes recorded on one day. 如果该法案通过,摄像头将记录违规者。 If the bill passes, cameras will record violators.