仇恨犯罪调查:北爱尔兰德里发现的针对移民和天主教徒的种族主义和宗派涂鸦。 Hate crime investigation: Racist and sectarian graffiti targeting migrants and Catholics found in Derry, Northern Ireland.
在北爱尔兰德里的新家中发现了针对移民和天主教徒的种族主义和宗派涂鸦。 Racist and sectarian graffiti targeting migrants and Catholics has been discovered on new homes in Derry, Northern Ireland. 北爱尔兰警察局正在调查这起仇恨犯罪案件。 The Police Service of Northern Ireland is investigating this as a hate crime. 跨党派的当地政治人物谴责这些讯息,称其为不可接受。 Local politicians across party lines condemned the messages, calling them unacceptable. 社区联合反对种族主义团体敦促团结一致,反对这种不容忍,并清除涂鸦。 Community group United Against Racism urged for unity against such intolerance and for the removal of the graffiti. 警方正在呼吁公众提供信息。 Police are appealing for information from the public.