1910 年,在本特利湖发现的戴恩镰刀割草机被改造成一个独特的长凳,以 7,000 美元的价格拍卖,以支持癌症慈善机构。 1910 Dain sickle mower found in Bentley Lake transformed into a unique bench, auctioned for $7,000 to support cancer charities.
来自北阿尔伯塔省的 Terry Stark 将 1910 年在 Bentley Lake 发现的 Dain 镰刀割草机改造成独特的长凳。 Terry Stark from Northern Alberta transformed a 1910 Dain sickle mower, discovered in Bentley Lake, into a unique bench. 1950年代以来丢失的割草机是用原部件制造的,装饰了马的纪念品。 The mower, lost since the 1950s, was crafted using its original parts and adorned with horse memorabilia. 法官席在30年代的Haying赛场上被拍卖 筹得7000美元用于癌症治疗 The bench was auctioned at the Haying in the 30's event, raising $7,000 for cancer support. 史塔克的创造在为慈善事业做贡献的同时,也荣耀了该地区的农业遗产。 Stark’s creation honors the region's agricultural heritage while contributing to a charitable cause.