1910 年,由 Bentley Lake 发现的 Dain 镰刀割草机长凳以 7,000 美元的价格拍卖,用于癌症支持。 1910 Dain sickle mower bench crafted from Bentley Lake find auctioned for $7,000, benefiting cancer support.
来自北阿尔伯塔省的特里·斯塔克 (Terry Stark) 使用从宾利湖发现的 1910 年戴恩镰刀割草机制作了一条独特的长凳,该割草机自 1950 年代以来一直被淹没在那里。 Terry Stark from Northern Alberta crafted a unique bench using a 1910 Dain sickle mower uncovered from Bentley Lake, where it had been submerged since the 1950s. Stark 的长凳融合了原始零件和马匹纪念品,反映了该地区的农业遗产。 Incorporating original parts and horse memorabilia, Stark's bench reflects the region's agricultural heritage. 它在 Haying in the 30 年代活动中以 7,000 美元的价格拍卖,所得款项用于癌症支持工作。 It was auctioned for $7,000 at the Haying in the 30's event, with proceeds benefiting cancer support efforts.