64岁的男子在有目标的Scarborough枪击中丧生;是多伦多当年第56起杀人案。 64-year-old man killed in targeted Scarborough shooting; Toronto's 56th homicide of the year.
一个64岁的男子,约安尼斯·基里亚科普洛斯,星期五深夜在多伦多的斯卡拉堡被致命枪击身亡。 A 64-year-old man, Ioannis Kyriakopoulos, was fatally shot in Scarborough, Toronto, late Friday night. 警方在晚上 11 点 25 分左右对丹佛斯大道和沃登大道附近的枪声报告做出了回应,尽管进行了抢救,但发现他当场死亡。 Police responded to reports of gunfire near Danforth and Warden avenues around 11:25 p.m. and found him dead at the scene despite resuscitation efforts. 当局认为枪击是针对目标,至少有三名嫌犯乘坐一辆黑暗的SUV逃跑。 Authorities believe the shooting was targeted, with at least three suspects fleeing in a dark SUV. 这起事件标志着多伦多今年第56起凶杀案, This incident marks Toronto's 56th homicide of the year, and police are seeking information from the public.