凯瑟琳·芬尼根的家人批评TfL在维多利亚公交车站遇难后缺乏沟通,并要求"坦率的守则"以获得更好的家庭支持. Kathleen Finnegan's family criticizes TfL for lack of communication after her death at Victoria bus station and demands a "code of candour" for better family support.
凯瑟琳·芬尼根的家人批评伦敦交通运输公司 (TfL) 在她1月在维多利亚公交车站被一辆公交车撞死后未能与他们沟通. Kathleen Finnegan's family criticized Transport for London (TfL) for failing to communicate after her death by a bus at Victoria bus station in January. 他们要求制定“坦率准则”,以便在此类事件发生后提供更好的家庭支持,并寻求她去世前未发布的安全报告。 They are demanding a "code of candour" for better family support following such incidents and sought an unreleased safety report from before her death. 家人担心车站的安全,说行人风险评估不完整。 The family fears the station's safety, citing incomplete pedestrian risk assessments. 尽管TfL改善了安全,但它们要求提高透明度和加强问责制。 Despite TfL's safety improvements, they call for greater transparency and accountability.