父母哀悼在泰勒·斯威夫特舞蹈课袭击中丧生的女儿,内政大臣宣布公开调查。 Parents mourn daughters killed in Taylor Swift dance class attack as Home Secretary announces public inquiry.
Elsie Dot 和 Bebe King 在绍斯波特的泰勒斯威夫特主题舞蹈课袭击中丧生,他们的父母批评了对杀害他们的凶手 Axel Rudakubana 的电视判决。 The parents of Elsie Dot and Bebe King, killed in a Taylor Swift-themed dance class attack in Southport, criticize the televised sentencing of their killer, Axel Rudakubana. 他们对女儿们表示悲痛和共同怀念,希望记住女儿们的积极品质,而不是死亡的悲惨细节。 They express their grief and share memories of their daughters, hoping to remember them for their positive qualities rather than the tragic details of their deaths. 内政大臣已宣布计划对刺伤事件进行公开调查。 The Home Secretary has announced plans for a public inquiry into the stabbings.