特拉华河港务局13年来首次在四座桥梁上举起车费。 Delaware River Port Authority raises tolls on four bridges for the first time in 13 years.
美国的特拉华河港务局在13年来首次提高宾夕法尼亚州和新泽西州之间的四座主要桥梁的收费. On September 1, the Delaware River Port Authority raised tolls on four major bridges between Pennsylvania and New Jersey for the first time in 13 years. 客车的收费从5美元增加到6美元,卡车和公共汽车的费率也提高了。 Tolls for passenger vehicles rose from $5 to $6, while rates for trucks and buses also increased. 该决定旨在加强安全和基础设施,旨在支持正在进行的维护项目并保持 DRPA 强大的财务状况。 The decision, made to enhance safety and infrastructure, aims to support ongoing maintenance projects and maintain the DRPA's strong financial standing.